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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Waterproof and sweatproof cosmetics can be used interchangeably.

Cosmetics are consider a favorite item for many women. In addition to helping to enhance a good personality, it also helps to build confidence. During the rainy season, in addition to encountering rain, sometimes we also encounter hot weather that causes sweating. Both the problem

Precautions for using moisturizers

When it comes to skin care, moisturizers are one of the skin care products that many people choose to use because they help change dry skin back to moisture, especially if you choose the right one and apply it correctly every day. Especially during the winter when

Atopic dermatitis can it be prevented.

Dermatitis or atopic dermatitis is a disease that can be at any age, but it is most common in children, especially before the age of 1 year. If it is not treat and cared for properly early on, it can become chronic until they are

Breathing exercise techniques for those with shortness of breath.

Many people may have experienced or are currently experiencing shortness of breath, which is characterized by discomfort, suffocation, or a feeling of inability to breathe fully, and chest tightness. If these symptoms are not caused by a serious illness or dangerous ailment, the symptoms may

Listening to music before bed can help you fall asleep.

Insomnia, not sleeping well, part of it may be because your behavior before going to bed does not allow your body to be in a state ready to sleep, such as playing with your phone before going to bed, eating too much, playing games, or drinking

Pros and cons of beauty enhancement with eyelash extensions.

Looking at an eyelash extension pros and cons checklist could help determine if this is the most suitable option. Although most people with eyelash extensions consider the pros over the negatives, it’s vital to weigh the pros and drawbacks of eyelash extensions to make. Advantages

Foods that are naturally sweet.

Sweet addiction can occur in people of all genders and ages. But we often find it in women who like to eat sweets and sweet drinks. Because when the body receives sugar from these menus it helps us feel happy. But when the sugar starts

Techniques for relieving nausea dizziness and vomiting.

Symptoms include dizziness, vertigo, bloating, and nausea. Currently, we find that many people are experiencing problems with this disease. It can also be found in all genders and ages, from school age to the elderly. It can almost be call a hot disease. The symptoms

How to provide basic first aid when a bone is broken.

A broken bone is a condition that occurs when an accident, fall, or being hit with a hard object is severe. Makes the bone break into many pieces. Areas where bones are most likely to break include the wrist, collarbone, and hip. Although this is a condition