Many people may have experienced or are currently experiencing shortness of breath, which is characterized by discomfort, suffocation, or a feeling of inability to breathe fully, and chest tightness. If these symptoms are not caused by a serious illness or dangerous ailment, the symptoms may be alleviated until you can breathe normally again through various methods, such as exercising, practicing breathing techniques, or changing your lifestyle.
Dyspnea or Shortness of Breath is a symptom that often occurs suddenly. Patients will feel like they cannot fully inhale air, causing shortness of breath or may feel suffocated, uncomfortable. There are different causes, such as doing activities that use too much energy or being in weather conditions that trigger symptoms. If left untreated for a long time, it can lead to chronic shortness of breath. Symptoms of shortness of breath that affect the respiratory system are as follows:
- Feeling stuffy, tight in the chest, สมัคร ufabet, having difficulty breathing, feeling like you can’t get enough air in.
- It can be so severe that you feel like you are going to die because you can’t breathe.
- Unable to take a deep breath, breathing is only short.
The following simple home care methods may help improve your shortness of breath.
Practice belly breathing: to help the diaphragm muscles between your chest and abdomen below your lungs work better and make breathing easier. Place one palm on your chest and the other on your abdomen. Your abdomen will puff up as you inhale through your nose. Then, use your palm to gently press down on your abdomen as you exhale to expel air. You can use this breathing method in conjunction with pursed-lip breathing to help relieve shortness of breath.
Breathing exercises during exercise focus on exhaling while exercising in strenuous positions, and warm up before every exercise.
Practice pursed-lip breathing to help control the rhythm of breathing and slow down. Allowing you to breathe deeper, allowing your body to receive oxygen fully. And helping to release the air that is held in your lungs slowly by inhaling through your nose, then pursed-lip breathing. And exhaling slowly through your mouth. People who have difficulty breathing can always practice pursed-lip breathing when they feel that they are having difficulty breathing. Especially when doing strenuous activities such as carrying things or climbing stairs.